Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mrs Jane & Mr Michael - 4th March 2009

My dear colleague and friend Ms Jane, is now a Mrs! And after putting her through the torture of photographing my wedding, she thought it only fair that I return the favour. So the day after the authorities warned of the wildest weather conditions, including hurricane winds, I was pleased to wake on the morning of her wedding to clear blue skies. As long as they lasted until lunchtime we'd be fine!

As a fellow "warrior against cheesy wedding photography" it seemed like a good idea to make her partake in one of my pet hates - the "Princess walking down the tram tracks" shot. I mean, really, I just don't get it! Despite not wearing a 'meringue' (Akira, thank you very much), and the fact that we were in North Melbourne instead of the top Collins Street gave this cliched shot the Ms Jane twist. And of course she had her Prince Michael by her side...

Cool details: Always the wedding photographer, Jane insisted on taking at least one of her own - with a compact digital camera in the middle of the ceremony... see my shot above and the results her shot on her blog!

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