Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Here Comes the Sun

OK, so it's been a while since my last post, and as the 'Season' cranks into gear again, here's what you missed over the last few months. On a personal level, and for those who read my "Hibernating for Winter' post, yes, I did get to the gym a little more, which is just as well considering I did also add a couple more dishes to my culinary repertiore (and died for Matt's seafood marinara with angel hair pasta). We enjoyed some great family time, going back to our old routine of a trip to the Sth Melbourne Market every Saturday morning, introducing our beautiful daughter to the delights of purchasing fresh produce (and doing our best to stop her little fingers touching all the fruit and veg)! Little Finlay has turned One, and is running around the house like the very funny little crazy person that she is. Such a huge personality in a cute little body!

Professionally, I did fill my time with some very interesting non-wedding work, and as predicted met with some gorgeous couples who will be taking that leap together in the coming months. I did also have the priviledge of shooting a few great weddings, which I shall share in posts to come.

It's nice to be back!

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