Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hibernating for Winter

As the days grow shorter, the weather colder, and the skies greyer, and my 'wedding season' comes to the end for a little while, I look back over these weddings that I have done this year, and how they sum up everything I love about my job - the power of family and tradition, of celebration and friends, and of course the visual gorgeousness that all weddings offer - large or small, extravagant or on a budget. I consider myself incredibly lucky and honoured to be invited to be a small but vital part of a couple's day, and even more blessed that by a combination of luck and clever marketing I seem to bypass the 'Bridezillas' that are out there (and trust me - they're out there!). Through good fortune and 'serendipity' I tend to have couples finding me who realise that while it's great to have a gorgeous dress, and all the trimmings that make a wedding 'beautiful', the most beautiful thing that I see through my lens transcends all of that superfluous stuff - it's about the love and joy, things that are personal touches to give the day 'heart', and realising that although it's an important day, it is only one day out of many more to come... and there's a whole life together ahead of them.

So for now, I'll be taking a few months to relax a little, fill my camera with images of interiors, corporate types, babies, families, food and lifestyle, and focus on that other inspiration, my gorgeous hubby Matt, and my beautiful little Finlay. (She got her first tooth the other day... they grow up so fast!) I shall endeavour to get to the gym a little more, catch up on some sleep, and add some new dishes to my culinary repertoire. I also look forward to meeting many newly engaged couples who will hopefully be appearing on this blog in the next twelve months or so, updating my proper website, and becoming part of a 'collective' of boutique Melbourne based wedding businesses being founded by my friend and colleague Kim, to be called "Portobello Bride" - a group of small to medium wedding suppliers breaking away from the 'Wedding Factory' to offer a one-stop shop for couples who don't want all the hoopla, sales pitches, and big price tags, but still want a great, gorgeous wedding experience... keep an eye out for that one, there will be a website and mini expo coming around soon!

So, until next time, stay warm, take care, and here's just a couple of my favourite images from years past (pre-blog) to savour with your mug of hot soup. See you in Spring! Lisa xx

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