Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rachel & Rick - 10th April 2009

I have been so lucky this year to have been a part of many genuinely warm, joyous celebrations, and this was definitely one of them. Such a happy, relaxed, fun couple, Rachel and Rick just exuded joy and it rubbed off on everyone around them. The ceremony took place in the beautiful bluestone surrounds of Melbourne Grammar School (Ricks alma mater), at the school's Chapel, and after a brief stop at the Observatory at the Botanic Gardens for a few pics, the party kicked on at historic Quat Quatta (which underwent a fantastically funky renovation a couple of years ago - keeping to its traditions but with a gorgeous, quirky twist)... unfortunately my night ended not long after the bridal pary were announced in, but I have no doubt this happy bunch kicked on till the wee small hours! COOL DETAILS: Would you believe that for the first time I can remember during a wedding ceremony (and let me tell you, I've been to a few...) the question was asked "If anyone can show reason why this man and this woman should not be bound in matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace". Now maybe I've been watching too much Bold and the Beautiful, but I couldn't help but have a little glance over my shoulder, just to make sure Ridge Forrester wasn't bursting through the door!

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